'Nicole ku Papa' Tee by Nicole Rupert


'Nicole ku Papa' Tee by Nicole Rupert


Nicole’s grandmother, Nura Rupert, was a highly regarded Ernabella artist who passed away in 2016. Nura had a great sense of humour and wild imagination, and her artistic style was uniquely quirky. Nicole is inspired by her grandmother’s style and wants to keep her very original interpretation of the world alive in her own artworks. One of Nura's favourite stories to paint was about all the camp dogs in Ernabella. ‘Papa tjuta ngura uwankara’ she used to say ‘there are many dogs everywhere!’. Some people have as many as ten dogs each as companions. This is Nicole’s depiction of the Ernabella camp dogs.

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Our T-shirts our 100% cotton.

They are screen printed by hand in Pathawilyangga/Glenelg, South Australia.

Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery as we are posting from a remote community.